SOLDIER focuses on Daniel Krug: a heroic firefighter, father of five, SWAT trainer and armored combat enthusiast. Daniel is also a former sniper, with ten years of combat, security, rescue and recovery experience in Iraq. And over the past decade, he's lost 11 of his close military friends - and almost lost himself - to PTSD.

Justin Zimmerman
Justin Zimmerman
Justin Zimmerman
George Hage
SOLDIER couldn’t be more timely. Trauma and PTSD plague veterans and the suicide rates for both veterans and active duty personnel are outpacing those of the general population - an alarming shift. But the story goes much further than just that. Daniel wrote this to me early on, and it's worth repeating here. "This isn’t just a story about war… or being a veteran. This is a story about suffering through trauma. This is about a world of people who silently struggle through the pain of PTSD. It’s about those of us who get up, focus our sights on the horizon… and soldier on." I felt that SOLDIER was a story that not only deserved to be told... it NEEDED to be told. That's why I made this film through COVID-19 - using strict set protocols and regular check-ins - 100% independently throughout 2021 and into 2022.